Announcements for Sunday May 4 - 5     6th Sunday of Easter

  1. Our Food Pantry, Cor Jesu, needs brownies, can fruit and peanut butter. We appreciate your support!
  2. Our Catholic Appeal goal of $120,055 is now $118,360, or 98.6%. Please put your pledge envelope in the collection basket. Thank you to all who have contributed to helping us reach our goal.
  3. Our Gift Shop Mother’s Day gift items are now on sale. Come in and browse.
  4. Mother’s Day Novena cards are on the table in the Narthex. Please return them in a timely fashion so they can be put on the Altar for the month of May.
  5. During the month of May, we will pray the Litany of the Blessed Mother after the 8:30 am daily morning Masses.
  6. Altar Servers' quarterly meeting will be held May 8th at 6 p.m. in Avila Hall. Both Altar Servers and Parents plan to attend. We will be preparing our schedule for June through August. See you there!
  7. St. Teresa Catholic Church will be recognizing our 2024 High School/College Graduates on May 19th at the 9:30 am Mass with Breakfast. Contact the Faith Formation office to obtain a Graduate Information Form or pick one up in the Narthex.
  8. St. Teresa will host Vacation Bible School for grades K–5th this summer. Our dates are June 24 - June 28, from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm, in the Parish Center. Pick up registration forms in the Church Narthex or contact the Faith Formation Office.
  9. The Vacation Bible School Team can use your help to get the materials we need for our program. Pick up a wish list form in the Narthex if you want to donate. THANK YOU
  10. Blessed Sacrament will host Vacation Bible School this Summer, June 17 - June 21, from 8:30 am to 3:00 pm, for information contact Blessed Sacrament Church.
  11. (Saturday only) Join us today after the 5 p.m. Mass in Avila Hall for a delicious Spaghetti Dinner hosted by the Blue Army. The cost is $10.00 for adults, and kids under 12 are free.
  12. (Sunday only) Join us for Sweet Treats, Coffee, and Juice in the Parish Center after each Mass today. Spend some time with family and Friends!
  13. "R" Catholic Nugget. A Quote from Robert Flatt -  “The resurrection gives my life meaning and direction and the opportunity to start over no matter what my circumstances."
Submitted by stteresaadmin on