Announcements for September 21-22 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time
- Our Food Pantry, Cor Jesu, needs shampoo, conditioner, soap, deodorant, toothpaste/ toothbrushes and razors. Checks made out to Cor Jesu or food gift cards are always appreciated. Thank you for your generosity!
- Join Moms of Tiny Saints on Wednesday, September 25th, at 7PM for a Just-for-Moms Night. There will be wine, snacks, and desserts. We will be studying the upcoming Sunday Mass readings. Lap babies are welcome. Contact Kasey for the location.
- First Communion Prep Classes. Our First Prep Session for 3rd Grade Students (School and Religious Education) will be this Wednesday, Sept. 25th, from 6:00 p.m. to 7:15 p.m. in Avila Hall.
- Join us this Sunday, September 22nd, for our Breakfast Buffet in the Parish Center from 8:30am – 12:45pm.
- (Read Sunday only) Enjoy Donuts, bagels, and coffee after the Mass today and spend time with family and friends.
- "R” Catholic Nugget: A Quote from St. Aloysius Gonzaga: “In the twilight of our life, we shall be judged according to love.”