Announcements for May 25-26       Most Holy Trinity Sunday

  1. Our Food Pantry, Cor Jesu, needs small cans with pull tops– assorted food for the homeless, juices & coffee this week. Grocery store gift cards are great for perishable items and egg cartons are needed.     Thank you for your donations!
  2. Come in and browse through all our Father’s Day gifts in the Gift Shop.
  3. Father’s Day cards will be on the tables in the Narthex next week. Please return them in a timely fashion so they can be placed on the Altar for the month of June.
  4. St. Teresa will host Vacation Bible School for grades K–5th this summer. Our dates are June 24 - June 28, from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm, in the Parish Center. Pick up registration forms in the Church Narthex or contact the Faith Formation Office.
  5. The Vacation Bible School Team can use your help in getting the materials we need for our program. Pick up a wish list form in the Narthex if you want to donate. THANK YOU
  6. The Church Office will be closed for Memorial Day on Monday, May 27th.
  7. Saturday June 1st is the first Saturday and we will pray the Rosary after the 8:30 am Mass.
  8. We will not be having a Spaghetti Dinner on the first Saturday of June, and we will return in the Fall.
  9. (Sunday only) We will not have coffee and donuts today. The coffee and donuts will return in the Fall.
  10. Sr. Yvonne is here on vacation until June 3rd
  11. "R" Catholic Nugget. A Quote from Pope Benedict XVI, “It is not only the Church that is called to be the image of One God in Three Persons, but also the family, based on marriage between man and woman.”
Submitted by stteresaadmin on