What is there to do in our parish and how can I help?
There are many ministry opportunities in our parish. Listed below are just a few Ministries we have at the church. Please check out our Ministry Booklet online or call the Church office at 268-3441
Readers: these men and women proclaim God’s Word with reverence, faith, conviction, and understanding, using the Reader’s abilities to make the Word come alive to those who hear it at daily and weekend Masses
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: these men and women distribute the Body of Christ at daily and weekend Masses.
Altar Servers: being a server means serving God and his people at Mass on Sundays, holy days, and funerals. This ministry is open to all boys and girls of the parish. You must have made your First Communion and be at least in the fourth grade.
Parish Prayer Chain: prayer requests taken for illness, thanksgiving, or special needs. Volunteers are needed to help in praying for these requests.
Respect Life: the church community asserts and affirms the inherent dignity of all human persons. This group is involved with all the issues that pertain to a better way of life for all of God's people, from the unborn to the elderly. Check out the Ministries Menu for more information.
Ushers: these men and women who greet, take up the collection, hand out the bulletin, and help at communion.