Catechist for Religious Education
K-6 and 7-8
Religious Education is a program and experience of Jesus Christ. A catechist shares their faith and the children come to know and love God. With prayer, Scripture, doctrine, discussion and formative experiences the catechist forms the faith of each child. Religious Education and youth ministry are essential for every Catholic child from Grade K to 12. We need men, women and teens to witness and share God’s Word with our next generation. Responsibilities involve teaching and sharing faith with a small group of youngsters. In-service and training is provided locally and through the Diocesan Catechist Certification Program.
Grades K-8, Wednesday evening from Aug. - May. Please contact the Faith Formation Office for class times.
Meeting place: St Teresa School
Helpful Attributes: Faith, prayer, love of children, generosity, the ability to learn, and a desire to communicate the Good News of our Catholic Faith.
Time commitment: An hour of preparation and prayer and an hour of teaching each week.
Requirements: Training and fingerprinting are required for all who wish to participate in this ministry.