Mass or Event Times
8:30 AM

The tradition here at St. Teresa is for parishioners to bring baked goods (homemade bread, rolls, cakes, etc.) to share with the shut-ins, sick, and needy of our community. Let us help those who are not as fortunate as we are. These baked goods can be placed on the steps of the sanctuary for a special blessing before they are distributed.

Our parish has a very successful food pantry. Many people come to us for food; in fact, the number of people has increased this year. Also, this need increases at holiday time. We ask people to bring canned goods, dry food stuffs, cereal, pasta, rice, etc. to Mass and place them in the baskets provided in the foyer of the Church. Some of these items will be presented at the Presentation of the Gifts. Thank you for your generosity.

Finally, if you wish, you can bring some item of food that you will be serving during your Thanksgiving Dinner for a special blessing of food and for a prayer of Thanksgiving.

Let us make this day a day of celebration and thanksgiving to God for the many wonderful and gracious gifts he has given to us. We do have much to be thankful for…

Submitted by stteresaadmin on